- Founder of Safi for Accounting & Auditing (1991- Now)
- Certified Public Accountant- CPA – Lebanese Association of Public Accountants, Lebanon
- Certified Management Accountant- CMA- Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia
- Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Accounting & Finance- Lebanese University
- Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Marketing and Management- Lebanese University
- Auditor of the Lebanese Election Campaign founded by the European Union
- Auditor on the project of Nahr El-Bared Akkar water project founded by the European Union.
- Auditor for BIAT association project founded by the European Union.
- Auditor for Restart association project founded by the European Union.
- Member in the Lebanese Association of Certified Public Accountants, Lebanon.
- Sworn Expert by the Lebanese Courts.
- Experience covering public institutions’ external Audits such of the Port of Beirut (GEPB), Central Fund for Displaced and the Electricity Company of Northern Lebanon (Qadisha)